Well, if you've been in the market for an air purifier you've likely seen that pollutants can often be two to five times higher indoors than outdoors. This comes from biological and inorganic pollutants. Biological pollutants such as mold, pollen, animal dander, dust mites, and cockroaches. They can build up in older homes with roof or foundation issues. Inorganic pollutants such as smoke, fine particles, VOCs (ex: new paint), and dust buildup due to environmental factors. Such as living in the city or a dusty or high pollen area.
Bad air can trigger inflammation and immune responses, as seen in allergy and asthma, and dysregulate anti-viral immune responses. Leaving you susceptible to viral diseases, colds, and infections
According to studies, changing air quality from bad to good can lead to reductions in anxiety and improvements in mood and cognition.
High levels of air pollution may damage children's cognitive abilities, increase adults' risk of cognitive decline, and possibly even contribute to depression.
(American Psychological Association)
SmartAir comes with a 30-day home trial. If you're not satisfied, return your unit without hassle.
SmartAir Technology
*SmartAir's UV-C light is the same disinfecting light used by hospitals for sanitation.
Manufactured with EPA and FDA compliance and science-backed results by independent labs.
Chemical Free Sanitizing & Purifying
UV-C is a chemical-free sanitizing method. It works through the disruption...
UV-C is a chemical free sanitizing method.
It works through the disruption of germ DNA and RNA.
Photolysis, to be exact. It simply means the UV-C light is breaking down these molecular bonds, making them unable to replicate or function.
This is done without any chemicals, it’s purely a “light based” sanitizing method.
Chemical cleaners can linger in the air...
Chemical cleaners can linger in the air, the surfaces we use them on, the gloves we protect ourselves with, or on the bottles themselves.
Not to mention it can get on our skin just from manual use.UV-C (that’s ozone free like ours) leaves no residue, has no lingering effects.
UV-C breaks down germs on a molecular level...
UV-C breaks down germs on a molecular level.
This is why it can get such high disinfection rates.
It’s more than a surface protector, or coverup.
It goes down to the deep levels of the germs to break them apart.
It’s so thorough of a disinfecting method operating rooms use UV-C light, along with water purification systems, and other high standard sanitation industries.
To cover every inch of a room with manual cleaning takes hours...
To cover every inch of a room with manual cleaning takes hours.
The light can spread out and can reach areas your naked eye can’t see, and areas your hand can’t reach.
It’s night and day.
Pathogens can’t build up an immunity to UV-C light...
Germs, viruses, molds, and other organic contaminates can’t build up an immune response to UV-C light.
This is a common misconception.
These organic contaminates can buildup an immunity to chemical cleaners and other methods because they’re killing the germs using the systems they live in.
UV-C is unique and unknown to these germs.
It just breaks down the DNA and RNA without an option for a response.
Germicidal UV-C is hyper effective for killing germs, viruses, and mold...
Germicidal UV-C is hyper effective for killing germs, viruses, and mold.
An extra layer of protection is important when it comes to our health.
Designed to destroy germs on a molecular level, without immunity buildup.
So we can help keep our environments fresh, clean, and safe.
Air purification for bedrooms, dens, and any area up to 300ft² with HEPA and UV-C purification.
Air purification for large spaces and high-traffic rooms up to 800ft² with HEPA and UV-C purification.
Add To Cart Shop SmartAir Pro[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3292282/
[2] https://www.signify.com/global/our-company/blog/innovation/uv-c-lighting-explained
[3] Report on the Environment: Indoor Air Quality. United States Environmental Protection Agency. https://www.epa.gov/report-environment/indoor-air-quality#note1. Published 2021.
[4] Why Indoor Air Quality is Important to Schools. United States Environmental Protection Agency. https://www.epa.gov/iaq-schools/why-indoor-air-quality-important-schools. Published 2021.
[5] Farmer D, Vance M, Abbatt J, et al. Overview of HOMEChem: House Observations of Microbial and Environmental Chemistry. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 2019;21(8):1280-1300. doi:10.1039/c9em00228f.
[6] Twilley N. The Hidden Air Pollution in Our Homes. The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/04/08/the-hidden-air-pollution-in-our-homes. Published 2019
[7] Glencross D, Ho T, Camiña N, et al. Air pollution and its effects on the immune system. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2020;151:56-68. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2020.01.179.